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What Hypnotism Involves ?


Hypnosis is the name we give to a craft that combines two normal human abilities: trance and suggestion.


Trance is a natural state of relaxed consciousness, and it has been known for thousands of years. It is mentioned in the writing of many ancient cultures.


Suggestion is a kind of communication. The deeper parts of the mind do not use logic. Instead, information is associated together by when you learned it, what was happening in the environment at the time and how you were feeling.


Sometimes the connections the mind makes are helpful. Sometimes the mind is mistaken and accepts as true something that isn’t. For example, a scolding parent may convince a young person he or she is “stupid” when that isn’t true at all.


Suggestion is a special way hypnotists developed to get past the old associations in the mind and create new learning. This allows us to correct mistaken habits of thought, feeling or behavior that were acquired long ago.


When a hypnotist crafts a suggestion, he or she uses principles that have been developed within the hypnotic profession. For example, there is the “Law of Imagination” that says “When the imagination and the will conflict, the imagination always wins.” As an example of this principle, try NOT to imagine something strange like a purple elephant sitting in your bedroom. You can’t do it. Your willpower isn’t able to overcome your imagination, and you will picture that elephant no matter how hard you try not to.



Who Is In Control ?


During the hypnotic experience you are guided into a relaxed state and presented with ideas, images, metaphors and other verbal creations that are pleasant.


It is very much like the experience you have when reading an enjoyable book or viewing a great movie. Your are completely focused on the book or the screen, but neither the book nor the screen is controlling you. On the contrary, you are enjoying the experience and happy to engage with the story. A well-constructed hypnotic experience is very much like that.


The power of hypnotism comes from the nature of the ideas that are selected by the Consulting Hypnotist. Because you enjoy them, they slip into your subconscious mind where they take up residence. With reinforcement they become stronger and begin to help you find the strength you need to feel better, get stronger, think new thoughts or behave in new ways.


Some people wonder if there are spiritual dangers to the hypnotic process, and the answer is that there are not. Just as reading a book you disagree with will not cause you to change your beliefs, a hypnotic experience that isn’t appealing is simply rejected by your mind.


As hypnotism teaches you how to use the ability to enter into trance and how to manage the suggestions you let into your mind, the hypnotic process is actually a process of gaining control over your mind.













Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Registered Professional Hypnotherarapist A.H.A
National Hypnotherapists Register of Australia

Certified in the Treatment of Cancer and Psycho Somatic Conditions

5-PATH® Hypnotherapist


Stephen is a dedicated and qualified consulting hypnotherapist, whose passion is working with and helping people suffering from anxiety, depression, phobias and anger.Combining his training and experience gained in Australia and Europe, Stephen has developed his own technique in hypnosis and hypnotherapy enhanced along with 5-PATH® .This allows Stephen to go far beyond what most hypnotherapists can achieve

















The Mind Model


You have a conscious mind. It’s the part of you that thinks.


You have a subconscious mind. It’s the part of you that acts.


Most of what you do is controlled by your subconscious mind because it’s not possible to think your way through your life. We use our habits of thought, feeling and behavior to automate what we do.


I do not make a decision every morning about which side of my face I will start shaving on today. Once upon a time I did, but I’ve done that behavior so often that I no longer think about it. I just do it. It’s subconscious.


Your subconscious mind is the greatest goal achieving instrument ever evolved. Once your subconscious mind has accepted something as true, it will do everything in its power to insure you behave like it. It uncritically acts on what it has accepted as fact. As Shakespeare said, “Aye, there’s the rub.”



Enter the Critical Factor


Because the subconscious mind simply acts on what it believes is true, it is protected by a guardian. Hypnotists call the guardian “The Critical Factor.”


The Critical Factor is a primitive part of your mind that arose from the survival instinct. The Critical Factor wants the future to resemble the past, because it knows you survived the past. If the future resembles the past, the odds are you will survive that too. Therefore, the Critical Factor resists all change, even desirable change.


How the Critical Factor resists change is by comparing any new information with the old information your subconscious process has accepted.


If there is a match, it allows the new information in as reinforcement. If there isn't, it rejects the new information by causing you to ignore it, deny it, or minimize its importance.


If you had a teacher who called you “stupid," and you accepted that as fact when you were a child, all the high test scores you get in the future can’t overcome that and you always feel bad about yourself.


Achieving what we call “Critical Factor Bypass” is what you pay a hypnotist to do. Consulting Hypnotists smuggle information past the Critical Factor so that old limiting beliefs and bad thinking are subverted and positive beliefs are encouraged.


This can even affect your health. While it is true that your feelings are mental states, they are also biochemical states in your body. When you feel a certain way you are changing the biochemical status of your physical body. Adjusting that is part of how medical hypnotism can benefit you.




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